this is not the Form you are looking for

A photo of some fake LLC renewal forms

Scam Alert! When I received this "Annual Report" filing form in the mail today for my Connecticut LLC, for a split second I thought it was legit. And I was annoyed because I just filed mine in June.

If you receive this mailing or something like it, check the fine print, it is most likely a scam. In Connecticut, you can file your own Annual Report (essentially a renewal of your LLC, LP, or LLP) only on the Secretary of State website, something you can do yourself in about five minutes and for less than half of this price, with no physical paperwork needed.

And if these scammers "gotcha", maybe it is time to review your policies and procedures around your organization's subscriptions, dues, and renewals. We can work with you on that, contact us today.


a Mistake is an opportunity


Not making a decision is a decision