Three quick tasks for the first of the year

Now that you've purged your inbox of all the messages that piled up since before Christmas, here are three important — but quick — tasks you can do to feel productive in your business this week:

1. Update the copyright in the footer of your website. If you are lucky, your website platform or vendor does this for you automatically. If not, tidy up that little detail so you don't look like someone who misses details.

2. Update your W-9. Even though the IRS has not updated the form recently, many vendors won't accept a form that was signed in a prior year. Having this form completed and hanging out as a PDF on your Google Drive will save time when you are waiting for a client to pay your January invoice.

3. Create a list of all holidays your business will be closed and block them on the calendar. Share the list with staff, clients, and vendors. This way, no one is guessing if you are open on MLK Day (January 15 this year) or Presidents Day (February 19) at 2 pm the Friday prior. Be sure to consider the holiday schedules of entities your business frequently interacts with, such as state court systems, the federal government, and others.

If you and your team need help reviewing and updating other back-office operations, policies, procedures, and communications for smoother sailing in the new year, reach out for a free consultation!

Photo of a scrap of notebook paper with a red paper clip and a to do list written on it: copyright, form W9, holidays.

It’s National Customer Service Day