Client and Prospect Communications
A Google/Millward Brown study found both B2B and B2C users spend on average up to three non-consecutive hours researching on websites, social media, and review platforms prior to calling or emailing a business about a consultation. Nearly 40% of Gen Z uses TikTok and Instagram for search over Google.
With current technology, it is easier than ever to communicate with each other – but that doesn’t mean it is without complexities. Companies have to be nimble, responsive, relevant, and vigilant on all the platforms their audience can find them on. Before they have even contacted you to purchase your services, your potential clients have already immersed themselves in your brand.
Good communications before, during, and after signing a new client lead to increased sales and customer retention, and internally are key to a more productive and efficient work environment.
Email newsletter launch or review•
Social media presence, content, and audience engagement
Online reviews
Electronic Press Kit (EPK)
Speaking engagements, effective networking, and media opportunities
Collateral and slide presentations
Internal information-sharing policies and procedures
Customer Service and the Client Experience
Now that you've gotten a prospect’s attention, are you closing the sale? It’s relatively easy to measure how current clients feel about you, but what about the ones you may have lost from the beginning? Is your law firm or small business doing the best it can when prospective clients call? A recent trends study by showed that 79% of clients expect a call back in 24 hours or less. Ideally, your potential new clients get a good first impression when they first contact you, and then experience the same level of attention throughout their onboarding process and tenure with your firm. Inconsistencies or bad communication will make them call – and hire – your competition.
Mapping the prospective client journey and "first experiences"
New client intake data, protocol, and onboarding process
Secret Shopper – it’s not just for retail!
Implementing consistent client and internal communications
Internal Practices
Policies and procedures are the backbones of great customer service. Are your staff’s regular tasks – especially those related to client interaction – properly documented? Is there consistency in how you communicate with clients before and after they hire you? Are your employees working as efficiently as possible, and with the correct tools? If an employee is out, are tasks – not just critical ones – carried out dependably (if at all) in their absence? Regularly auditing and documenting your company policies and procedures can help you gauge the effectiveness of your internal control systems, reduce risk, become more efficient, transform company culture, and create positive customer experiences, leading to increased sales and customer retention.
Where to Begin?
Not sure where to start? Call today and let’s have a conversation about what your current communication and customer service and retention practices are, discuss your priorities, successes, and opportunities for improvement, and strategize a game plan.